Kamis, 22 Februari 2018

Don't laugh alone. KEBUN BINATANG.

Don't laugh alone


* Jawaban gambar Tebakan.


In a Nursery School Canteen...

There's a basket of apples with a notice written over it :

"Do not take more than one, God is watching"

On the other counter there's a box of chocolates,
A small child went & wrote on it.

"Take as many as U want, God is busy watching the apples"...

NEVER ACT SMART WITH Today's Generation..!.! 😜😜


KID :- Why some of ur hair are white dad...?
DAD : – Every time you make me unhappy , one of my hair turns white…
KID :- Now understand why grandpa's hairs are all white…

Moral :- Don't be over smart...

Child : Mummy why Gandhi has no hair on his head...?

Mummy : Because he speak only truth...

Child : Now I understud why ladies have long hair...


Now Ultimate 😜😜😜

Teacher: How old is your father?
Kid: He is 6 years.
Teacher: What? How is this possible?
Kid: He became father only when I was born.

Don't laugh alone, share with others


Pak Johan membuka bisnis *KEBUN BINATANG.*

Di pintu masuk, dia tulis :
*Tarif tiket : Rp 30.000,-/orang*

Karena beberapa lama tidak ada pengunjung, maka harga tiket diturunkan mjd : *Rp 20.000,-/orang*

Namun masih tidak tidak ada juga pengunjung datang, akhirnya kembali ia turunkan tarif tiket menjadi hanya : *Rp 10.000,-/orang* ...dan tetap tidak ada pengunjung yg mau masuk!.

Akhirnya ditulislah pengumuman :
*"MASUK GRATIS"* ...dan tiba'2 banyak orang yg berebutan masuk.

Ketika pengunjung di dalam penuh, pak Johan membuka semua pintu kandang binatang buas, spt: Singa, Harimau, Serigala, Ular, dsb. Pengunjung pun PANIK!. Kemudian *Pintu Keluar'nya* ia *KUNCI!*

Lalu di pintu keluar itu ia tulis : 
*"Keluar Bayar Rp 500.000,-!!"*
Kemudian *BANYAK* orang berebut membayar.

*_Inilah ironi kehidupan._*
Ketika ditawarkan *HIDUP SEHAT* :
~ Makan yg sehat.
~ Tidak merokok.
~ Istirahat cukup.
~ Olahraga, dsb.
demi menjaga kesehatan sebagai upaya pencegahan penyakit banyak orang enggan, *TIDAK MAU.*

Tapi kalau sdh masuk Rumah Sakit, berapapun mahal biayanya *PASTI* dibayar asal bisa sembuh, sekalipun harus jual asset dan berhutang!.

*Semoga terinspirasi, SALAM SEHAT!*





Jawaban yg benar :
[5] + [3+7] + [15] = 30
😁 Jawaban yg kompleks :
(5) + { ([3+7]×3) / (1×3) } + (15)

[3] + [5+7] + [15]

[1] + [5+9] + [15]

Dsb sesuai kreatifitas Anda.

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